

Mathematics at Haybrook College


At Haybrook College, as a Mathematics Team, we aim to provide our pupils with the knowledge and skills of this core subject, to understand and equip them with a ‘toolkit’ to use vital mathematics in everyday life as well as achieve the best possible qualification to enable them to progress to the next stage of further study and employment.

We provide high quality teaching, learning and assessment, together with targeted academic and behavioural support, to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum and the regulatory exam awarding bodies in order to achieve GCSE (foundation or higher) and Entry 1-3 Functional Skills qualifications at the best level possible. Where appropriate we provide the opportunity for pupils to sit the GCSE statistics exam which is taught alongside mathematics and much of which is included in the mathematics curriculum.

The nature of Haybrook College means that we accommodate a cohort of learners at various stages of their studies, between years 7-11, with a range of issues and many with gaps in their knowledge through lack of attendance or disrupted education.  Therefore, during key stage 3, the intent is to enable pupils to build a ‘toolkit’ of knowledge and skills through years 7 and 8, with a bridge in year 9, that provide a firm foundation for key stage 4 along with strategies and support mechanisms to manage themselves to the extent that they can learn effectively through regulating their emotions and behaviour and working towards becoming independent learners, and ultimately achieving success in GCSE Foundation or Higher aiming for grade 4 and above, but as a minimum completing key stage 4 with an entry level qualification, in order to progress to further education and/or employment.


Haybrook College operates over five sites and we have mathematics provision in each centre, according to the key stage and needs of the pupils.

Curriculum Mapping

Although Haybrook College is an alternative provision, we follow the National Curriculum with the understanding that we have to make significant allowance for the issues and difficulties that our pupils are dealing with the impact on their learning. 

The mathematics curriculum is divided into the main strands – Number; Algebra; Shape, space and measures; Data handling and probability and for GCSE planning as follows:

  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Geometry and measures
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Probability
  • Statistics

In line with National Curriculum requirements, we have mapped out a curriculum (detailed in the curriculum map below) to ensure that all pupils:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics
  • Reason mathematically
  • Can solve problems by applying mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems.

The topics are scaffolded and taught with clear, accurate exposition and worked examples using illustrations that are engaging, challenging, clear to read and understand, free from bias and stereotypes. Mathematics notation and language are highlighted and explained to ensure that pupils can read and understand the questions and requirements of the task. Cards, puzzles, quizzes, videos, tarsia puzzles, online times tables and online maths, Kahoot and many others are used to engage pupils, assess their mathematics but also to develop teamwork, cooperation and collaboration, patience and tolerance, problem solving skills and others. Pupils will also be taught to use MS Teams for mathematics as well as using MyMaths the impact of which will be to develop their ICT skills alongside their main ICT studies and technology beyond school, as well as the promotion of independent learning.

In our teaching presentation, we use visual illustration, a variety of activities and worked examples as well as maths vocabulary or dictionaries to support language development and literacy to make difficult or disliked topics easier to understand.  We support cross-college projects such as disciplinary literacy, by using the correct mathematics language and writing it on the whiteboards and using classroom displays as well as printed mathematics dictionaries or glossaries.  We encourage correct and appropriate dialog between pupils and staff which promotes effective communication in class, in the rest of the school that also promotes understanding and tolerance. The use of spoken language is also important as in helping develop mathematical language and enables pupils to present a mathematical proof or argument.  By working with the SENDCo and Speech and Language staff, we not only support and accommodate the pupils’ needs in class, but help develop independence and coping skills for life beyond school.

Classroom culture

We recognise that a significant number of our pupils dislike or feel unable to succeed at this subject and so we work hard to create a positive learning environment.  We use language that is encouraging, supportive, instructive and challenging. We set boundaries that create calmness and a safe space to learn yet targets that stretch. We support positive behaviour management.  We practice mediated learning and trauma informed teaching, whereby we meet the student where they are at educationally and emotionally.  We understand that all our pupils require some form of additional support and support our pupils by working with the SENDCO by nominating struggling pupils for assessments and then putting recommendations into practice, to become the pupils’ ‘normal way of working’.


Everything we do in mathematics is with the aim of ‘Inspiring and supporting young people to make positive choices about the future’.  The impact of our choices regarding the initial assessments, the choice of topics, and pathway for each individual student is with the view to them gaining knowledge, understanding and developing skills within mathematics not only to gain a recognised qualification but also to be used in life.

The impact will be measured by summative assessment by way of mocks and/or other written or online assessment which can be recorded and tracked.  The most effective method we currently use is the heat maps which show grades achieved and areas that need further targeted progress.  The scores are also recorded on Arbor which is monitored by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Workbooks and folders do show work completed and formative assessment but do not always reflect the learning that has taken place or the amount of work that our cohort do in the classroom.

Maths Curriculum Map