

Humanities at Haybrook College


Our humanities curriculum is planned in a way that enables our pupils to learn, revisit and apply knowledge, therefore providing some breadth but also depth. We cannot teach our pupils everything, as many have had inconsistent educational experiences, but to reduce the impact of this, we have selected themes that seek to inspire pupils to teach them reasoning, problem solving skills, to question and analyse and see links, understanding use and effect. The work undertaken has been planned to guide pupils to revisit and reinforce skills also introduced in other subjects e.g. from English, to describe and explain, and from Maths, to use data and coordinates. 

Periods from the history scheme have been selected to help our pupils understand chronology and where selected themes and dates sit in our wider past. We seek to inspire and guide pupils to imagine what life was like in the past, to consider how the events of the past have shaped our lives today, to think, question, analyse and present ideas and to use and evaluate sources of evidence to reason and conclude, giving them confidence to justify their opinion. 
We seek to enable our pupils to build a bigger picture of the world and to locate themselves within it, and to find out about places in the world in order that they can start to develop knowledge and understanding of the events and contexts that happen there. We want to encourage a passion and interest in the world around them and the human and phsycial processes which help shape it.

Our RE curriculum is designed purposefully to introduce pupils to the key concepts underpinning religions and beliefs. Visitors and visits provide a lived experience of religion and beliefs. Pupils are encouraged to think about their own values and what is important to them. The aim is that pupils leave us having gained fundamental knowledge of all the major religions and compared them and explored the influence they have on individuals, culture , behaviour and life. Further rigour is delivered by providing our pupils with opportunities to consider philosophical and ethical questions. 


Humanities lessons are taught throughout key stage 3: history and geography units are alternated each half term, whilst RE units are delivered throughout the year. In order to support the delivery of high quality and engaging lessons, we have chosen to use Kerboodle resources to support both history and geography teaching and 'Explore RE' resources to build pupils' skills, knowledge and understanding of the RE curriculum. A range of teaching activities are used to engage pupils and ensure they develop the skills required. Cultural capital visits are used where possible to help pupils link what they learn in class with the real world.


The impact of our humanities curriculum should be seen through the increased knowledge and understanding our pupils have in topics across history, geography and RE. Through the delivery of our humanities curriculum, pupils will develop critical and creative thinking skills. They will develop their communication skills through being encouraged to engage with complex ideas, listen, discuss and form an opinion.

Pupils will develop empathy and respect for cultures and religions around the world and understand how beliefs and values shape us as people within our communities. They will understand how societies have evolved over time and appreciate the significance of key historical events and their impact on our present day world. Pupils will become more aware of their local area and the wider world, experiencing awe and wonder and an awareness of cultures other than their own, and through his, become increasingly compassionate, tolerant, and empathetic individuals.

Please see our humanities curriculum maps below:

History Curriculum Map

RE Curriculum Map

Geography Curriculum Map